Mathematical and Physical Journal
for High Schools
Issued by the MATFUND Foundation
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Results of students of Leöwey Klára Gimn., Pécs

Results of students grade 12 in the contest of problems in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 243 points.
27. Szabó 968 Lóránt 90 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 9

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
56-57. Szabó 576 Csaba 45 points
68-70. Balán Gábor 37 points
87-90. Sárán Tamás 27 points
123-125. Bakai Judit 17 points
135-145. Bálint Norbert 13 points
255-277. Molnár Hajnalka 3 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 10

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
8. Vadász Péter 162 points
15. Frankó Gábor 150 points
16. Vörös Zsombor 140 points
83-84. Jazbinsek Tamás 44 points
124-127. Dobos Kata 29 points
196-206. Csetényi Zoltán 15 points
239-251. Nagy 335 Csaba 9 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 11

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
6. Raffai Péter 193 points
7. Jurányi Zsófia 187 points
60-63. Varga Dávid 91 points
89. Bogdán Ákos 59 points
119. Vorobcsuk András 39 points
124. Dani Bence Samu 32 points
157-162. Szösz Klaudia 22 points
185-194. Gyulai Gábor 17 points
195-199. Csuzi Márton 16 points
232-239. Pataki Dániel 11 points
248-253. Pavlekovics András 9 points
255-265. Puppi Gergely 7 points
266-279. Bodnár Tamás 6 points
293-295. Szován Botond 2 points

Experimental problems in Physics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 54 points.
8-10. Bogdán Ákos grade 11, 35 points