Problem G. 735. (February 2021)
G. 735. The pulley wheel shown in the figure can rotate freely about a fixed shaft. The masses of the movable pulleys are \(\displaystyle m_1\) and \(\displaystyle m_2\) (\(\displaystyle m_1<m_2\)). In what direction and at what magnitude of force do we have to pull the thread at the left in order to keep the system in equilibrium? (The thread does not slide on the pulley.)
Data: \(\displaystyle R=10\) cm, \(\displaystyle r=5\) cm, \(\displaystyle m_1=2\) kg, \(\displaystyle m_2=3\) kg.
(4 pont)
Deadline expired on March 16, 2021.
Sorry, the solution is available only in Hungarian. Google translation
Megoldás. A kötelet felfelé kell húznunk \(\displaystyle F=\frac{R-r}{2R}(m_2-m_1)g\approx 2{,}5~\)N nagyságú erővel.
30 students sent a solution. 4 points: Bencz Benedek, Buzási-Temesi Imre, Cynolter Dorottya, Hegedűs Máté Miklós, Hudvágner Márton, Jeszenői Sára, Josepovits Gábor, Kohut Márk Balázs, Kovács Dorina , Marozsi Lenke Sára, Molnár Kristóf, Novák Péter, Patricia Janecsko, Sebestyén József Tas, Szabó Réka, Vágó Botond, Veszprémi Rebeka Barbara, Vig Zsófia, Vincze Farkas Csongor, Waldhauser Miklós, Wórum Soma. 3 points: Beke Botond, Bogdán Benedek, Czirók Tamás, Lipóczi Levente, Richlik Márton. 2 points: 4 students.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, February 2021