Problem G. 776. (March 2022)
G. 776. Watch glasses are to be sterilized in a research laboratory by using UV light. In the sterilization process UV light of total energy of 150 mJ should fall onto a \(\displaystyle 1~\mathrm{cm}^2\) surface area of the watch glass. Estimate how long should the UV lamp be operated for this, if the lamp is point-like and it is 75 cm above the watch glass. According to the factory data, the intensity of the UV light at a distance of 1 m from the lamp is \(\displaystyle 125~\mu\mathrm{W}/\mathrm{cm}^2\).
(4 pont)
Deadline expired on April 19, 2022.
Sorry, the solution is available only in Hungarian. Google translation
Megoldás. A sugárzás (UV fény) intenzitása a lámpától mért távolság négyzetével fordítottan arányos, tehát 1 méter távolságban
\(\displaystyle I=\frac{125~\mu\textrm{W}/\textrm{cm}^2}{0{,}75\,^2}= 222{,}2\ \mu\textrm{W}/\textrm{cm}^2.\)
Ez 1 cm\(\displaystyle ^2\) felületen akkor éri el a 150 mJ energiát, ha a besugárzás ideje
\(\displaystyle t=\frac{150~ \rm mJ}{222{,}2\ \mu\textrm{W}}=675~{\rm s}=11 \text{ perc és}\ 15\text{ másodperc}.\)
22 students sent a solution. 4 points: Biró Kata, Bocor Gergely, Bruder László, Csilling Dániel, Heisz András Botond, Hruby Laura, Jávor Botond, Kiss 668 Benedek, Kiss 987 Barnabás, Klement Tamás, Marosi Botond Máté, Nagy 639 Csenge, Sós Ádám, Sütő Áron, Téglás Dorka. 2 points: 1 student. 1 point: 4 students.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, March 2022