Mathematical and Physical Journal
for High Schools
Issued by the MATFUND Foundation
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Problem K. 577. (February 2018)

K. 577. Xavier picked three cards out of a deck of French cards, and placed them on the table in a row. He gave the following information on the cards picked:

– One of the three cards is a king, and immediately to the right of this king there are one or two queens.

– One of the three cards is a queen, and immediately to the left of this queen there are one or two queens.

– One of the three cards is a heart, and immediately to the left of this heart there are one or two spades.

– One of the three cards is a spade, and immediately to the right of this spade there are one or two spades.

What cards may there be on the table, from left to right?

(6 pont)

Deadline expired on March 12, 2018.

Sorry, the solution is available only in Hungarian. Google translation

Megoldás. A letett lapok között kell lennie egy királynak és két dámának. A két dáma közvetlenül egymás mellett helyezkedik el, tehát balról jobbra haladva a sorrend: király, dáma, dáma. A lapok között kell lennie egy kőrnek és két pikknek is. A két pikk közvetlenül egymás mellett helyezkedik el, tehát jobbról balra haladva a sorrend: kőr, pikk, pikk. Ezt összevetve az előzőekben kapottakkal, a lapok sorrendje balról jobbra haladva: pikk király, pikk dáma, kőr dáma.


133 students sent a solution.
6 points:107 students.
5 points:1 student.
4 points:8 students.
3 points:10 students.
2 points:3 students.
1 point:1 student.
0 point:3 students.

Problems in Mathematics of KöMaL, February 2018