Mathematical and Physical Journal
for High Schools
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Problem M. 316. (September 2011)

M. 316. Measure how the number of revolutions of the electric motor of a toy depends on the input voltage. (The number of revolutions can be measured for example with a hand made stroboscope).

(6 pont)

Deadline expired on October 10, 2011.


20 students sent a solution.
6 points:Ercsey Tamás, Juhász Péter, Kovács 444 Áron, Nagy Lajos, Papp Roland, Pataki Bálint Ármin, Szabó 928 Attila, Szigeti Bertalan György.
5 points:Barta Szilveszter Marcell, Dálya Gergely, Domonkos Márk, Galgóczi Gábor, Jenei Márk, Kollarics Sándor, Pálfi Nikolett.
4 points:4 students.
2 points:1 student.

Problems in Physics of KöMaL, September 2011