Problem P. 4246. (April 2010)
P. 4246. From an air gun a bullet is shot horizontally through the middle of a Plasticine sphere of 5 dkg, which is initially at rest on the edge of a table of height of 80 cm. The Plasticine sphere and the bullet of mass 0.5 g lands 8.2 m away from each other on the ground. In another experiment, in which the Plasticine sphere has three times bigger diameter, the bullet does not get through the sphere, but stops just at its surface. Determine the initial speed of the bullet, provided that it decelerates uniformly in the Plasticine in both cases.
(4 pont)
Deadline expired on May 10, 2010.
Sorry, the solution is available only in Hungarian. Google translation
Megoldás. \(\displaystyle v_0=25,\!4\) m/s.
64 students sent a solution. 4 points: Batki Bálint, Benyó Krisztián, Bodosi Eszter, Czeller Ildikó, Dávid 113 Krisztina, Filep Gábor, Gulyás Bálint, Hoksza Zsolt, Juhász 214 Dániel, Kerti Dávid, Kovács 255 Márton, Kovács Attila, Kozma Bálint, Kungl Ákos Ferenc, Laczkó Zoltán Balázs, Láng Hanga, Mayer Martin János, Péterffy Gábor, Pinczei Emese, Simon 111 Brigitta, Sisák Mária Anna, Szentgyörgyi 994 Rita, Vámi Tamás Álmos, Varju 105 Tamás, Virágh Eszter, Zsámboki Richárd. 3 points: Bay Dorottya, Farkas Martin, Győrfi 946 Mónika, Hegedűs Csaba, Janosov Milán, Jezeri András, Koncz Gabriella, Lőrincz Dóra, Pálovics Péter, Pázmán Koppány, Pető János, Tamási Mátyás, Varga 730 Viktor, Vuchetich Bálint, Wirnhardt Bálint. 2 points: 18 students. 1 point: 5 students.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, April 2010