Problem P. 4250. (April 2010)
P. 4250. A cylindrical container is divided into two parts by a massless, frictionless, thermally insulating piston. In one part of the container there is 40 g Hydrogen, in the other part there is 20 g Neon, both in standard conditions.
a) Which gas, and to what temperature should be heated in order that the piston moves to the middle of the cylinder, provided that the temperature of the other gas does not change?
b) What is the final pressure of the gas which was heated?
c) How much heat was transferred to the gas?
(4 pont)
Deadline expired on May 10, 2010.
Sorry, the solution is available only in Hungarian. Google translation
Megoldás. \(\displaystyle a)\) \(\displaystyle 5460\) K;
\(\displaystyle b)\) \(\displaystyle 1,\!9\cdot10^5\) Pa;
\(\displaystyle c)\) 94 kJ.
67 students sent a solution. 4 points: Balogh Gábor, Béres Bertold, Bolgár Dániel, Fonai Dániel, Galzó Ákos Ferenc, Hartstein Máté, Jéhn Zoltán, Kaposvári István, Kungl Ákos Ferenc, Mayer Martin János, Pálovics Péter, Rácz Viktor, Tamási Mátyás, Várnai Péter, Wang Daqian. 3 points: Bay Dorottya, Benyó Krisztián, Bodosi Eszter, Csizmadia Luca, Czigány Máté Gábor, Fülep Andrea , Hegedűs Csaba, Kovács 255 Márton, Lájer Márton, Lőrincz Dóra, Miskó Gergely, Molnár Alexandra, Nagy 111 Miklós, Németh Gábor , Neumer Tamás, Para Attila, Pető János, Pinczei Emese, Szabó 928 Attila, Vámi Tamás Álmos, Varju 105 Tamás, Vuchetich Bálint. 2 points: 15 students. 1 point: 7 students. 0 point: 6 students. Unfair, not evaluated: 2 solutionss.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, April 2010