Problem P. 4498. (January 2013)
P. 4498. A plano-convex and a plano-concave lens exactly fit to each other along their curved surfaces. The refractive index of the material they are made of is 1.5, and the focal length of the plano-convex lens is 40 cm.
a) What is the power of each lens?
b) What is the radius of the curved surfaces of the lenses?
(3 pont)
Deadline expired on February 11, 2013.
Sorry, the solution is available only in Hungarian. Google translation
Megoldásvázlat. \(\displaystyle a)\) \(\displaystyle \pm 2{,}5\) dioptriásak a lencsék.
\(\displaystyle b)\) 20 cm.
56 students sent a solution. 3 points: Alabér Ádám, Antalicz Balázs, Bakó Máté, Balaskó Beáta, Bartha 666 Bálint, Béda Ármin, Bencsik Bálint, Berezvai Orsolya, Büki Máté, Csathó Botond, Damó-Csorba Borbála, Dombai Tamás, Egyedi Balázs, Fehér Zsombor, Fonyó Viktória, Gergely Anita, Gyomlai Imre, Hajdu 343 Martin, Hőnigh Orsolya, Hu Jia Lin, Janzer Barnabás, Juhász Iván, Kasperkievicz Bence, Kasza Bence, Kenderes Anett, Mile Alexander, Molnár Zsolt, Morvai Rudolf, Muth Lajos, Nárai Ádám, Pázmán Zalán, Petrács Ervin, Pristyák Levente, Sáfrán Péter, Stein Ármin, Székely Bálint, Szigyártó Anna, Takács 737 Gábor, Tolnai Balázs, Tóth Dávid, Várda Ernák, Varga 996 Edvárd, Weinper Márton, Wiandt Péter, Zsúdel Szabolcs. 1 point: 10 students. 0 point: 1 student.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, January 2013