Problem P. 4663. (October 2014)
P. 4663. A rigid rod of mass \(\displaystyle M\) can rotate about a horizontal axle which is attached to the rod at its trisecting point. A point-like object of mass \(\displaystyle m\) is attached to the end of the rod closer to the axle, and a pan of negligible mass is attached to the other end. The rod stays at rest and is horizontal.
What is the initial speed of the object of mass \(\displaystyle m\) if another object of mass \(\displaystyle m\) is dropped into the pan from a height of \(\displaystyle h\)? The dropped object stays in the pan, and friction is negligible.
(5 pont)
Deadline expired on November 10, 2014.
84 students sent a solution. 5 points: Asztalos Bogdán, Balogh Menyhért, Bekes Nándor, Blum Balázs, Bugár 123 Dávid, Csenger Géza, Fehér Balázs, Fekete Balázs Attila, Fekete Panna, Forrai Botond, Holczer András, Hornyák Szabolcs, Iván Balázs, Jakus Balázs István, Kalmár Bendegúz, Kaposvári Péter, Kasza Bence, Kormányos Hanna Rebeka, Kovács Péter Tamás, Körmöczi Dávid, Körtefái Dóra, Lőrincz Zoltán, Mándoki László, Marosvári Kristóf, Németh 017 András, Németh Flóra Boróka, Öreg Botond, Sáfrán Péter, Sal Kristóf, Szász Norbert Csaba, Szentivánszki Soma , Tófalusi Ádám, Tomcsányi Gergely, Tompa Tamás Lajos, Trócsányi Péter, Varju Ákos, Vastag Balázs, Wiandt Péter, Zöllner András. 4 points: Csathó Botond, Di Giovanni Márk, Fehér 169 Szilveszter, Gróf Tamás, Gula Miklós, Molnár Janka Sára, Olosz Balázs, Szirbik Bence. 3 points: 13 students. 2 points: 12 students. 1 point: 11 students. 0 point: 1 student.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, October 2014