Problem P. 4666. (October 2014)
P. 4666. How will a beam of light travel after it passes a diverging lens if its extension passes a point on the principal axis of the lens which is on the other side of the diverging lens at a distance of twice the focal length, measured from the lens?
(4 pont)
Deadline expired on November 10, 2014.
41 students sent a solution. 4 points: Asztalos Bogdán, Bekes Nándor, Bencsik Bálint, Blum Balázs, Brányi Balázs, Bugár 123 Dávid, Csathó Botond, Di Giovanni Márk, Fehér Balázs, Fekete Balázs Attila, Fekete Panna, Forrai Botond, Gróf Tamás, Holczer András, Hornyák Szabolcs, Horváth Botond István, Kaposvári Péter, Kasza Bence, Molnár Elizabet, Orosz Bálint, Öreg Botond, Páhoki Tamás, Sal Kristóf, Szépfalvi Bálint, Szűcs Kilián Ádám, Takács Péter György, Tanner Martin, Tompa Tamás Lajos, Wiandt Péter. 3 points: Bősze Zsófia, Molnár 128 Szilárd, Pálovics László, Tóth Ádám Bars, Trócsányi Péter, Zöllner András. 2 points: 3 students. 0 point: 3 students.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, October 2014