Problem P. 4669. (October 2014)
P. 4669. Uranium-238 is an alpha-decaying isotope, its half-life is 4.5-billion years. How many atoms are there in that Uranium block in which on average one atom decays in each
\(\displaystyle a)\) second;
\(\displaystyle b)\) hour;
\(\displaystyle c)\) day;
\(\displaystyle d)\) year?
(4 pont)
Deadline expired on November 10, 2014.
84 students sent a solution. 4 points: 56 students. 3 points: 8 students. 2 points: 3 students. 1 point: 5 students. 0 point: 12 students.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, October 2014