Problem P. 4710. (February 2015)
P. 4710. Some ice at a temperature of \(\displaystyle 0~{}^\circ\)C is added to 1 kg water at a temperature of \(\displaystyle 2~{}^\circ\)C. The mixture is in a thermally insulated container and the amount of ice is such, that it just melts whilst the final temperature of the water will be \(\displaystyle 0~{}^\circ\)C.
\(\displaystyle a)\) Will the entropy of the system increase or decrease?
\(\displaystyle b)\) Give numerical estimation for the change in the entropy of the system.
(5 pont)
Deadline expired on March 10, 2015.
39 students sent a solution. 5 points: Asztalos Bogdán, Balogh Menyhért, Berta Dénes, Blum Balázs, Boldizsár Bálint, Bugár 123 Dávid, Csathó Botond, Csire Roland, Di Giovanni Márk, Fehér 169 Szilveszter, Fehér Balázs, Fekete Panna, Forrai Botond, Fülöp Erik, Gróf Tamás, Holczer András, Iván Balázs, Kasza Bence, Kormányos Hanna Rebeka, Kovács Péter Tamás, Körtefái Dóra, Mándoki László, Marosvári Kristóf, Molnár 157 Marcell, Olosz Balázs, Öreg Botond, Radnai Bálint, Sal Kristóf, Szentivánszki Soma , Tibay Álmos, Trócsányi Péter, Varga-Umbrich Eszter, Varju Ákos. 4 points: Büki Máté. 3 points: 1 student. 2 points: 2 students. 1 point: 1 student. 0 point: 1 student.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, February 2015