Problem P. 4714. (February 2015)
P. 4714. A satellite orbits about the Earth along an elliptical path. The major axis of the ellipse is \(\displaystyle 2a\) and its minor axis is \(\displaystyle 2b\). Determine the velocity of the satellite
\(\displaystyle a)\) at that point of its path which is the closest to the Earth;
\(\displaystyle b)\) at that point of its path which is the furthest from the Earth;
\(\displaystyle c)\) at a point which is at a distance of \(\displaystyle r\) from the centre of the Earth.
(5 pont)
Deadline expired on March 10, 2015.
45 students sent a solution. 5 points: Asztalos Bogdán, Balogh Menyhért, Bartók Imre, Berta Dénes, Blum Balázs, Bugár 123 Dávid, Büki Máté, Csathó Botond, Eper Miklós, Fehér 169 Szilveszter, Fehér Balázs, Fekete Panna, Forrai Botond, Fülöp Erik, Gróf Tamás, Holczer András, Iván Balázs, Jakus Balázs István, Kaposvári Péter, Kormányos Hanna Rebeka, Kovács Péter Tamás, Körmöczi Dávid, Körtefái Dóra, Lőrincz Zoltán, Mándoki László, Olosz Balázs, Páhoki Tamás, Rózsa Tibor, Sal Kristóf, Szántó Benedek, Szentivánszki Soma , Trócsányi Péter. 4 points: Babanics Gergely, Beregi Ábel, Horváth Botond István, Kasza Bence, Marosvári Kristóf, Németh Flóra Boróka, Öreg Botond, Varju Ákos. 3 points: 4 students. 1 point: 1 student.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, February 2015