Problem P. 4837. (April 2016)
P. 4837. The cyclic process of a thermodynamic heat engine is shown in the figure. What should the least pressure \(\displaystyle p^*\) be in order that the efficiency of he heat engine is maximum, if the working substance is some ideal noble gas of constant mass? What is this maximum efficiency?
(5 pont)
Deadline expired on May 10, 2016.
29 students sent a solution. 5 points: Asztalos Bogdán, Balogh Menyhért, Bekes Nándor, Csorba Benjámin, Csuha Boglárka, Di Giovanni András, Fajszi Bulcsú, Fekete Balázs Attila, Forrai Botond, Krasznai Anna, Németh 777 Róbert, Németh Flóra Boróka, Páhoki Tamás, Sal Kristóf, Szentivánszki Soma , Tomcsányi Gergely, Wiandt Péter. 4 points: Kovács Péter Tamás. 3 points: 4 students. 1 point: 7 students.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, April 2016