Problem P. 4838. (April 2016)
P. 4838. A metal sphere of radius 10 cm is mounted to an insulating stand and is connected (with some conducting material) to an electro-meter of negligible capacitance. The meter reads 15 kV. Another uncharged metal sphere (also mounted to an insulating stand), which is far from the first one, is connected to the charged sphere with thin a piece of wire. Then the reading on the meter is 10 kV. What is the radius of the initially uncharged sphere?
(4 pont)
Deadline expired on May 10, 2016.
46 students sent a solution. 4 points: Bartók Imre, Blum Balázs, Csenger Géza, Csire Roland, Csorba Benjámin, Csuha Boglárka, Debreczeni Tibor, Di Giovanni András, Elek Péter, Fehér 169 Szilveszter, Fekete Balázs Attila, Fodor Gréta, Ghada Alshalan, Iván Balázs, Kasza Bence, Kavas Katalin, Kormányos Hanna Rebeka, Körmöczi Dávid, Krasznai Anna, Kuchár Zsolt, Magyar Róbert Attila, Mány Bence, Marozsák Tóbiás , Molnár Mátyás, Nagy 555 Botond, Németh Flóra Boróka, Olosz Adél, Páhoki Tamás, Paulovics Péter, Pázmán Előd, Sallai Krisztina, Szántó Benedek, Szentivánszki Soma , Szőke Dániel, Tófalusi Ádám, Tóth 111 Máté , Tóth Bence, Varga-Umbrich Eszter, Zöllner András. 3 points: Wiandt Péter. 2 points: 4 students. 1 point: 2 students.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, April 2016