Problem P. 5359. (November 2021)
P. 5359. The edges of a cube are built from resistors which has two different resistance values. The resistance of the resistors on 8 edges which are the edges of two opposite faces of the cube is \(\displaystyle r\), and the resistance of the other 8 resistors on the 4 edges perpendicular to the previously described edges is \(\displaystyle R\). Determine the equivalent resistance of the circuit between two adjacent vertices of the cube between which the resistance is \(\displaystyle R\).
(4 pont)
Deadline expired on December 15, 2021.
Sorry, the solution is available only in Hungarian. Google translation
Megoldás. A szimmetriából következően ekvipotenciális pontok összekötése után ellenállások soros és párhuzamos kapcsolásait kapjuk. Az eredő ellenállás:
\(\displaystyle R_\text{eredő}=\frac{R(R^2+2r^2+4Rr)}{2(2R^2+r^2+3Rr)}.\)
47 students sent a solution. 4 points: Csonka Illés, Hauber Henrik, Josepovits Gábor, Kovács Kinga, Kürti Gergely, Mészáros Ádám, Murai Dóra Eszter, Nemeskéri Dániel, Pethő Dorottya, Schmercz Blanka, Vig Zsófia, Vincze Farkas Csongor, Yokota Adan. 3 points: Albert Máté, Antalóczy Szabolcs, Bencz Benedek, Biebel Botond, Brezina Gergely, Czirók Tamás, Kovács Kristóf , Molnár Kristóf, Somlán Gellért, Szabó Márton, Tatár Ágoston, Varga Mária Krisztina, Veszprémi Rebeka Barbara. 2 points: 4 students. 1 point: 1 student. 0 point: 10 students. Unfair, not evaluated: 3 solutionss. Not shown because of missing birth date or parental permission: 1 solutions.
Problems in Physics of KöMaL, November 2021