Problem S. 8. (April 2005)
S. 8. Write a program which suggests a step in the game five-in-a-row on a 15x15 board, in an arbitrary position.
Read the current state of the board from the standard input. The empty squares, the figures of the machine and of the opponent are denoted by the characters ., O and X, respectively. Write your best next step to the standard output. Rows are represented by the letters A, ..., O, while columns by the numbers 1, ..., 15. (For example, C9 denotes the ninth square in the third row.)
The solutions will be tested on a 2GHz machine. Your program has at most 10 seconds to choose a step. The programs will compete against one another in a tournament; the winner receives at most 10 points - depending on the documentation -, the second one 8 points, and the rest at most 7 points.
See the example.
Input | Output |
............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ......O........ ......XXX...... .......O....... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... | H6 |
(10 pont)
Deadline expired on May 17, 2005.
6 students sent a solution. 10 points: Nikházy László , Stippinger Marcell. 7 points: 2 students. 0 point: 2 students.
Problems in Information Technology of KöMaL, April 2005