Mathematical and Physical Journal
for High Schools
Issued by the MATFUND Foundation
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Results of students of Lehel Vezér Gimn., Jászberény

Results of students grade 1-10 in the contest of exercises in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 225 points.
213-215. Illés Zoltán grade 10, 77 points
255-259. Lantos Norbert grade 9, 65 points
562-580. Imre Balázs grade 9, 24 points
596-613. Németh Zoltán grade 9, 22 points
672-703. Gál Péter grade 9, 17 points
672-703. Hagyó Rita grade 9, 17 points
672-703. Kenyó Csaba grade 9, 17 points
787-803. Buczkó Balázs grade 9, 12 points
822-892. Rusvai Péter grade 9, 10 points
942-964. Rada Enikő grade 9, 8 points
999-1065. Ördög Adrián grade 9, 5 points
1066-1090. Háfra Ágnes grade 9, 4 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 10

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
42. Csanádi Sándor 87 points
120-123. Juhász Tamás 30 points
182-188. Boroznaki Lajos 17 points
196-206. Lados Olivér 15 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 11

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
112. Koczka Csaba 44 points

Experimental problems in Physics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 54 points.
86-112. Lados Olivér grade 10, 2 points