Mathematical and Physical Journal
for High Schools
Issued by the MATFUND Foundation
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Results of students of Eötvös József Gimn. és Ipari Szki., Tiszaújváros

Results of students grade 1-10 in the contest of exercises in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 225 points.
655-671. Szalontai Enikő grade 9, 18 points
655-671. Szekrényesi Tímea grade 9, 18 points
704-721. Dobronyai Anikó grade 9, 16 points
704-721. Szabics Szilvia grade 9, 16 points
822-892. Csikós Anett grade 9, 10 points
822-892. Puskás Valéria grade 9, 10 points
1122-1140. Bíró Beáta grade 9, 0 point

Results of students grade 9 in the contest of problems in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 243 points.
278-306. Dobronyai Anikó 3 points
278-306. Szabics Szilvia 3 points
307-327. Szalontai Enikő 2 points
328-351. Csikós Anett 1 point

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 9

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
192-198. Szalontai Enikő 8 points
236-247. Tóth 88 Ádám 5 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 11

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
150-156. Boér József 23 points
174-180. Majoros Judit 19 points
207-213. Dobos István 14 points
214-221. Borsós Dávid 13 points
232-239. Hocsák Róbert 11 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 12

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
86-90. Péter Attila 17 points
91. Lakatos Gábor 15 points
92-97. Holu Gergely 14 points
98-105. Fazekas Róbert 13 points
119-125. Rimszki Krisztián 9 points
132-139. Bana Gábor 6 points
132-139. Lelkesi Balázs 6 points
141-143. Vrazala Zalán 3 points

Experimental problems in Physics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 54 points.
130-167. Tóth 88 Ádám grade 9, 0 point