Mathematical and Physical Journal
for High Schools
Issued by the MATFUND Foundation
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Results of students of Teleki Blanka Gimn., Székesfehérvár

Results of students grade 1-10 in the contest of exercises in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 225 points.
62-65. Baranyai Tamás grade 9, 164 points
62-65. Márton Noémi Petra grade 9, 164 points
66-67. Fülöp Anita grade 9, 161 points
148-151. Pluhár Gabriella grade 9, 104 points
220-225. Horváth 979 Kornél grade 9, 73 points
434-447. Bodnár Csaba grade 9, 34 points
485-497. Horváth 007 János grade 9, 30 points
525-538. Horváth 013 Tamás grade 9, 27 points
614-626. Bejer Ádám grade 9, 21 points
704-721. Czuppon Dávid grade 9, 16 points

Results of students grade 11-12 in the contest of exercises in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 225 points.
13-14. Szekeres 761 András grade 11, 196 points
377-386. Budai Balázs grade 11, 15 points

Results of students grade 9 in the contest of problems in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 243 points.
34. Fülöp Anita 115 points
53-54. Márton Noémi Petra 81 points
278-306. Bejer Ádám 3 points

Results of students grade 11 in the contest od problems in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 243 points.
31-33. Szekeres 761 András 123 points
50. Fellegi Zoltán 94 points
77. Czibik Ágnes 61 points
90-91. Csabina Csilla 49 points
121-122. Forgó Béla 33 points
234-243. Gelesz Tamás 7 points

Results of students grade 12 in the contest of problems in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 243 points.
8. Bákor Krisztina 206 points
52. Bódai Zoltán 45 points
86-89. Takáts Gergely 17 points

Results in the contest of advanced problems in Mathematics

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 135 points.
15-16. Dezső Balázs grade 12, 15 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 9

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
71. Fülöp Anita 36 points
83-86. Pluhár Gabriella 28 points
103-104. Horváth 979 Kornél 23 points
236-247. Márton Noémi Petra 5 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 11

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
110-111. Szekeres 761 András 45 points
255-265. Fellegi Zoltán 7 points

Theoretical exercises and problems in Physics, grade 12

Maximum score (with a single solution for each problem) is 230 points.
92-97. Benke Noémi 14 points
141-143. Takáts Gergely 3 points